AI in the aesthetic industry: Most frequently asked questions

Noam Yadin

Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming the next big thing in the aesthetic industry and enhancing the beauty experience for both providers and patients. However, with technological development comes hesitation and lots of questions. We’ve gathered and answered some of the most frequently asked questions we've received over the past few years.

1. How can my clinic benefit from artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence has evolved far beyond merely enhancing text, gathering web content, or curating personalized playlists. In the aesthetic industry, AI empowers providers and patients to visualize the future, offering a preview of the potential results of aesthetic treatments before they have even occurred.

The AI Aesthetic Simulator is a lead generating magnet. Clinics across the world have experienced a growth in their lead acquisition by enabling their patients to visualize their ideal look before undergoing any aesthetic treatment. 

Potential patients experience the AI Aesthetic Simulator via a medspa they trust from the comfort of their couch. Throughout the simulator, the lead leaves their information, which includes the treatment areas they are interested in, where they are in their aesthetic treatment journey, and their availability. What more could a clinic need? 

The best part is - clinics simply promote their branded AI Aesthetic Simulator link on their various marketing channels and watch their schedules fill up with appointments.

2. How fast can I get my first lead?

One of the key aspects of the AI Aesthetic Simulator is that potential patients get to see what they’ll look like post-aesthetic treatments within seconds, meaning that these interested users can become leads just as fast. 

As mentioned above, the lead reaches the AI Aesthetic Simulator via a clinic's personalized link - therefore, the medspa receives the leads information immediately. 

3. Where should I promote my clinics’ branded AI Aesthetic Simulator and how?

We’ve seen practices get the best results when they promote their branded AI Aesthetic Simulator on their social media channels and on their website.

Here are some great examples:

4. Does the AI Aesthetic Simulator add an extra workload for my clinic?

The EntityMed platform is a plug-and-play platform - meaning that even non-tech-savvy users can use the platform and immediately embrace its simplicity. 

Within minutes, you can have your branded AI Aesthetic Simulator promoted across all your practices’ marketing channels. How? We’ve created a variety of different marketing templates, including website banners, Instagram post templates, and Instagram Story templates.

Your medspa can choose the template that fits your aesthetic best and simply personalize it accordingly - add your clinic’s logo and personalized QR code/link - and add it to your social profiles and website. And that’s it!

5. Is it easy to implement the AI Aesthetic Simulator into my clinic’s workflow?

There is no need to download a software or application and the AI Aesthetic Simulator experience is completely remote. 

We have made sure to limit the learning curve needed to use EntityMed’s program, such as creating premade assets that can be implemented across marketing channels.

It’s simple - all you need to do is register your clinic (and make sure to add your location and logo), copy your branded AI Aesthetic Simulator’s link, and promote it across your marketing channels. Then, you continue your day to day and the leads come in.

Want to learn more about how your clinic can benefit from the AI Aesthetic Simulator? Don't hesitate to reach out!

You can also book a demo with one of our experts to discover how aesthetic clinics around the world have implemented AI into their practices and experienced immediate ROI.

About Noam Yadin


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