The New Gold Standard: The Power of Visualization for Cosmetic Injectables

Natalie Solomon

The phrase "seeing is believing" may be a cliche, but this common expression is grounded in serious science. We know that people tend to trust and believe things more easily when they can see them with their own eyes, it’s human nature. Our biology governs that direct visual evidence carries more weight and credibility in decision making than information received through other means, such as hearing or reading about it.

We live in a visual world. As aesthetic professionals, we know this as well as anyone. Our patients come to us to ‘look better’ in order to ‘feel better.’ As our industry gets more and more crowded, we increasingly need to stand out from the crowd to bring in new patients and retain our existing ones. Here at EntityMed, we’ve applied generative AI and the concept of ‘try before you buy’ to the aesthetic industry with some stellar results. Our clients are using our Beauty Simulator to drive tremendous growth in their clinics. Here’s why.

Seeing is Believing.

So many of our patients come to us having seen a friend or family member achieve great results with toxins or fillers. But as we know, each face is different. One person’s results don’t translate to another’s. One injector is different from another. And not all products were created equal.

The EntityMed AI Beauty Simulator creates a personalized, unique, custom preview of facial toxins or fillers for patients. We have high clinical accuracy based on a patented algorithm. Our clinics are getting quality leads for new patients, and upselling existing patients, from day one with the Simulator. Why?

Because Seeing is Believing.

We believe the ability to visualize treatment outcome will fast become the new standard for the top professionals and clinics in our industry. Here's why 'Seeing is Believing' works in an aesthetic clinical setting:

Building Trust: The foundation of any successful aesthetic journey lies in the trust between patient and practitioner. Clients place their utmost trust in their injectors, who are tasked with performing delicate medical procedures on the most vulnerable and prominent feature of their identity—their face. By providing your client with a visualization, you are giving him/her a shared language to discuss the treatment and results.

Barrier to Entry: The AI Beauty Simulator helps potential patients become active patients by removing the biggest barrier to booking- uncertainty. Patients that have been considering facial injectables are moved to action when they can 'try them on.' The power of visualization reduces so much of the fear and uncertainty that stands in the way of trying a new treatment.

Alignment of Expectations: Prior to any treatment, it’s critical for the practitioner to manage the patient’s expectations, setting both parties up for satisfaction. The simulator helps you fully understand the desired outcome of the patient and show what results are realistic.

Ensuring Natural Results: Perhaps the biggest concern surrounding toxins and fillers these days is achieving a ‘natural look.’ We want to look like better versions of ourselves, not like plastic dolls. With our pre-treatment simulation, patients bid farewell to the concern of looking ‘overdone’ by having a clinically accurate visualization of the treatment unique to themselves.

EntityMed is a game-changer in the aesthetic industry because it empowers patients to ‘try before they buy.’ The AI Beauty Simulator lets patients overcome their fears and develop trust, manage expectations and pursue natural results. With EntityMed, seeing is believing.

See for yourself.

About Natalie Solomon


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